In general, eight hours of sleep is considered a restful night. Despite our best efforts to go to bed early, several factors can lead to sleep troubles, including stress, body aches and pain, an uncomfortable mattress and poor eating habits.
Sleep is crucial to overall health and wellness, helping the brain and immune system to function properly. If your body does not have adequate time to recharge and prepare for tomorrow, you may experience fatigue, irritability and a general decline in health.
While some people rely on sleeping pills, this habit can become a dangerous addiction. Chiropractic care is a natural remedy to address the issues causing poor sleeping patterns.
Factors That Impact Sleep
One factor that helps determine how well we sleep is our position; certain postures place undue stress on the spine. In general, sleeping on your back is best to prevent discomfort in and out of bed. On the other hand, side sleepers may wake up with neck pain or a headache from muscles being stretched to one side during the night.
Mattress firmness also plays a role. Our muscles can tense up when laying on a hard mattress, while a soft mattress may not provide enough support. A chiropractor can assess your physical condition and help you decide what level of firmness is best.
Chiropractic for Better Sleep
During your appointment, we’ll perform gentle adjustments to release compressed nerves in the spine that could be causing sleep disruption. If you have been feeling run down from a lack of quality sleep, adjustments also stimulate a positive immune response. One step further, our doctors can offer nutritional advice to promote better sleep and overall health.
In addition to regular chiropractic appointments, some other tips for healthy sleep include regular exercise, limited caffeine and keeping your bedroom temperature cool.
Chiropractic can help people of all ages with sleep problems. Studies have proven that working with a chiropractor can even help babies sleep more soundly. Very minor, gentle adjustments can improve an infant’s spinal health and overall development. Regular visits can also help prevent other common pediatric issues, such as colic and ear infections.
Get a better night’s sleep with help from our team at The Chiropractic Health Center of Glastonbury. To address your sleeping problems, schedule an appointment today!