As Greek philosopher Aristotle once said, “Happiness depends upon ourselves.” If we learned anything from the global pandemic, it’s that life will always present us with new challenges. What’s most important is how you handle and learn from these curveballs.
Many of us tried to see the bright side of a difficult situation by putting a positive spin on more time spent at home with loved ones. Yet it’s not always easy to keep an optimistic outlook when we feel anxious or depressed.
To get started on the right path, here are 7 simple steps to start improving your happiness today!
1. Take Back Control
When the circumstances of your life seem beyond your control, it’s important to maintain a sense of structure. Simple daily tasks like waking up at the same time, making your bed and meditating can help you stay calm and in charge of your own life.
Specifically, mindful meditation can reduce mental exhaustion and help you focus on inner peace. Mind and body training, including guided visualization and breathing exercises, works to redirect your thoughts to the present moment and let go of what you cannot control.
2. Adopt Healthy Habits
An unhealthy lifestyle can negatively affect you both physically and mentally. Wellness is a lifelong pursuit but small changes can make a big difference. Start by drinking plenty of water – ideally, half your body weight in ounces each day. Dehydration not only impedes the performance of your vital systems and organs, but lack of water can impact your ability to think clearly.
Daily exercise is also important to improve muscle strength, endurance, cardiovascular and lung health. The American Heart Association recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity each week.
Exercise releases endorphins that can improve mood. Working out in the morning can give you more energy to take on the day ahead! Physical activity can also help you maintain a healthy weight, which puts less strain on your body and keeps the spine properly aligned.
3. Get Enough Sleep
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 70 million Americans suffer from chronic sleep problems. A good night’s sleep is essential to help the brain, immune system and entire body function properly.
Disruptions in sleep could be caused by stress or compressed spinal nerves. A chiropractor can address your sleeping posture and release any tension to help improve your sleep patterns and overall wellbeing.
4. Do Away With Negativity
If there are people in your life who cause drama, it’s time to sever ties. While negativity breeds more negativity, positivity breeds good outcomes! You may not be able to change past decisions but moving forward, make better choices to help you maintain a happy life.
Social-media induced stress can also impact emotional wellness, physical and mental health. Deactivate your accounts or turn off notifications for a break from social media.
5. Learn to Manage Stress
Common sources of stress include work, personal relationships and finances. These triggers can impede your ability to progress forward in your life. Although you may not be able to change your circumstances, it’s important to find a healthy outlet to relieve stress.
Journaling, listening to music and counseling can help you manage feelings of anxiety. Physical tension from emotional stress can be relieved with regular chiropractic care!
6. Be More Productive
A constantly busy schedule does not mean you’re being productive! You may be moving all the time but not making any forward progress in your life. Taking on less responsibility can actually make you more productive. When you have time to focus on what is most important, the tasks you do complete are often more successful.
7. Avoid Falling Into Old Habits
When you’ve made the commitment to improve your life, remember why you left bad habits and situations behind. While your comfort zone may be a nice place to visit, nothing grows there! Start practicing positive self-talk and optimism to overcome your negative thoughts.
Ready to improve your overall health and wellness? Contact the Chiropractic Health Center of Glastonbury today!